Superconducting Quantum Interference Device 

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"Squid; Military; Brain research" 

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The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code of the Brain:
U.S. and Soviet Scientists Have Developed the Key to Consciousness for Military Purposes. How The U.S. Government Won the Arms Race to Control Man.
A documentary with quotes by leading scientists, professionals and several independent sources.
By Cheryl Welsh, copyright May 1998

This is a list of excerpts from books and articles to demonstrate the level of brain mapping and reading today. SQUID seems to be the basis of classified technology used to read brainwaves remotely. In The Brain Code, Mechanisms of Information Transfer and the Role of the Corpus Callosum by Noram D. Cook, 1986, he writes phrases such as the "brain code are used to describe the set of fundamental rules concerning how information is stored and transmitted from site to site within the brain. large groups of neurons transmit the images, thoughts and feelings which we suspect are the fundamental units of our psychological lives. ...The perspective on brain function discussed in the following chapters is not claimed to be a complete unraveling of the brain code, but I do believe that it is the beginning of same and that the direction of future developments is already clearly indicated."

Coyle, Anna.(1992, Sept.14). Science and Technology: The Machine That Watches You Think. Independent (London). Pg.14.

"Doctors and medical scientists soon will be able to watch the human brain "thinking". With the aid of a device no bigger than a pinhead, they will be able to see exactly where and how electrical signals are traveling around the brain. ..."We are aiming to build up an image of where the current is flowing," says Dr. Steven Swithenby, director of the Biomagnetism group at Open University... ...Squid is the acronym for superconducting quantum interference device, and it measures magnetic flux or field extremely accurately at ultra-low levels, such as the level reached when a group of neurons in the brain is triggered. The device is made of a ring of superconducting material, usually niobium metal, a few millimeters wide, with a slice of insulator, a few atoms thick, sandwiched into the loop. when an electric current is applied to this superconductor, the flowing current generates a magnetic field around the wire loop. Inside the superconducting loop this magnetic field is extremely sensitive to any changes in magnetism. If a change in magnetic field is detected, the current flow in the Squid changes to re-adjust the field strength to counter the external force. ...But there is still the problem of interpreting the information. "We can look at what is going on in the head, but it takes a lot of mathematics to unscramble the whole mess so that we can make a sensible image," Dr. Swithenby says. ...The magnetic field generated by the brain in response to an external stimulus, and measured by the Squid, is about 100 millions times weaker than the Earth's magnetic field, and a million times weaker than the magnetic fields around overhead power cables. ...A less expensive and more practical approach, used at the Open University, is to couple the Squid to another device known as a gradiometer. In effect the gradiometer is a matched pair of (non-superconducting) magnetometers placed between the Squid and the patient's head. One of the pair measures the external magnetic field outside the brain, the other measured the total field, including the contribution from the brain, and the difference between the two is measured by the Squid....The so-called high-temperature superconductors-metal oxides that can work at temperatures of up to 100 degrees above absolute zero- are the next stage in the development of workable machines. ..."In three or four years' time, who knows what Squids will be made of?" Squids are not new: they were first postulated by the theoretical physicist Anthony Leggett at the University of Illinois in the early Eighties."

Author's note. These articles give examples of how thoughts could be detected remotely. It is not impossible, especially with the will to develop this technology before the Soviets do, for example.

Hanley, John M.D.(1985,June17. Aviation Week, Pg.156.

"...It has never been necessary to stick something into pilots, or anybody else for the purpose of obtaining brainwave signals. It was pointed out 50 years ago by B.H.C. Matthews that non-invasive scalp electrodes provide the necessary sensing, and that is the method most in use around the world today. As for sticking something onto pilots, the evolution of sensors has a branch of non-adhesive, contact electrodes, highly stable examples of which were developed in our Space Biology Laboratory almost 20 years ago under NASA contracts, and put to practical use in a variety of environments, both space and terrestrial. The continued evolution of the electrode has inevitably traversed the path from non-adhesive and contact to remote, non-contact sensing. Fourteen years ago, Adey and Silver, of the University of California at Los Angeles and Aerospace Corp., respectively, at that time, proposed cryomagnetic sensing of the EEG. Magnetoencephalograms were obtained by Cohen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology one year later. Moreover, sophisticated machine recognition of EEG correlates of states of awareness from the subtleties of pilot reclination to sleep in the space environment have been achieved within the last two decades. Clearly, dogmatic assertions that present technology has remained at the stick-on or -in electrode and gross delta wave era belong with scriptural championing of slingshots as state-of-the-art weaponry.

No author. (1989, July 5). Magnetic Fields of the Brain. PR Newswire. Lexis-Nexis.

"The human brain is alive with pulsating magnetic fields. ...The brain's nerve cells, called neurons, are triggered by small electrical currents. This has been known for decades and doctors routinely record the intensity and patterns of these electrical brain waves. ...Today, highly sensitive detectors can spot even these faint magnetic fields and [physicist Samuel] Williamson a member of the American Physical Society, and his colleagues are busy mapping the brain's magnetic activity. Every brain function, from imagining a pay raise to lifting a forefinger, uses the neurons of a specific location. Detecting magnetic fields can pinpoint these geographical areas. In one instance, Williamson discovered which part of the brain generated a magnetic field when a subject moved a forefinger. Moving the thumb produced fields from a slightly different spot. "Our sensory and motor systems are tied to highly specific brain areas," says Williamson. "in one experiment we passed a brush over the tip-center and base of a person's finger. We found that this produced magnetic fields from three distinct areas of the brain." Magnetic research of the brain is of great interest to surgeons, doctors, and psychologists. With this tool specific brain locations are being linked to specific body activities. In the area of psychology, monitoring the brain's magnetic activity is helping determine the nature of imagination and thought processes. ...this feature is from the American Institute of Physics' Science Report."

No author.(1996,Oct.8).Pictoral Proof of Brain Damage Caused by Cocaine and Alcohol Seen in New Quantitative EEG Studies: BEAM Study Provides New Light on Brain Disorders. PR Newswire.

"Measurements of "brain waves" using state-of -the-art quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) -- or brain electrical activity mapping (BEAM) demonstrate that both cocaine and alcohol abuse/dependence significantly worsen such pre-existing brain abnormalities as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), major depression, mental distress, anxiety disorder, and paranoid schizophrenia, according to medical research by Eric R. Braverman, MD. and Kenneth Blum, Ph.D. both affiliated with the PATH Foundation, a not-for-profit scientific foundation of Princeton, New Jersey. ...since they [QEEG and BEAM] are relatively easily, quick and potentially inexpensive to administer...Unlike other brain imaging techniques, it can be administered in a doctor's office. ...Other work by Drs. Braverman and Blum, as well as by other researchers, suggests that a mentally ill population--including teens and adults--have strongly disturbed brain waves even prior to their substance abuse. This study again documents that the mentally ill population have brain electrical and chemical imbalances. ...BEAM is a brain stress test using light, sound, cognition, and electrical stimulation to generate dramatic pictures of total brain health.

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